city or country with M
- Mexico
- Madrid
- Malaysia
- Madagascar
- Miami
- Mumbai
- Mongolia
- Morocco
- Milan
- Malta
- Moscow
- Manchester
- Maldives
- Monaco
- Montreal
- Διαφήμιση
- Melbourne
- Minneapolis
- Manila
- Macedonia
- Moldova
- Munich
- Manhattan
- Memphis
- Michigan
- Myanmar
- Mozambique
- Mexico City
- Maryland
- Montana
- Madison
- Mauritius
- Medellin
- Malibu
- Montenegro
- Malawi
- Mauritania
- Massachusetts
- Milwaukee
- Mississauga
- Monterrey
- Milano
- Macau
- Montgomery
- Minsk
- Maui
- Madras
- Monrovia
- Monterey
- Montevideo
- Mendoza
- Moldavia
- Monroe
- Murcia
- Monte Carlo
- Managua
- Milton
- Mannheim
- Marrakesh
- monacco
- Magnolia
- Διαφήμιση
- Madhya Pradesh
- Mesopotamia
- Micronesia
- Medan
- Mason
- Martinique
- Mazatlan
- Missoula
- Manta
- Macao
- Muscat
- Manchester City
- Mombasa
- Macon
- Male
- Midland
- Mogadishu
- Milford
- Michigan City
- Marysville
- Mecca
- Mariposa
- Markham
- Mysore
- Majorca
- Miniapolis
- Moncton
- Marion
- Mobile
- Madeira
- Merced
- Margate
- Montpelier
- minessota
- Minnasota
- Manheim
- Main
- Maharashtra
- Missouri City
- Medford
Οι λέξεις στη λίστα city or country with M προέρχονται από παίκτες του λεκτικού παιχνιδιού Όνομα, Ζώο, Πράγμα.